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Exploring the Path to Scientific Innovation at Gróska

On December 12, Auðna TTO Iceland hosted an engaging event titled The Path to Scientific Innovation at Eiríksdóttir in Gróska.

The event brought together individuals with a shared focus on technology transfer and scientific innovation to discuss their insights and experiences on advancing research and innovation in Iceland.

The program kicked off with opening remarks by Ásdís Halla Bragadóttir, the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation. She reflected on the history of the phrase “scientific innovation” and highlighted the ministry’s efforts in recent years to support research and innovation, emphasizing the crucial role of the public sector in facilitating scientific progress.

Following the opening remarks, four speakers shared their unique perspectives on how scientific innovation can be driven through research, technology transfer, and investment. Dr. Hans Tómas Björnsson discussed his groundbreaking work with his company Kaldur Therapeutics and his experience with technology transfer abroad. Egill Skúlason explained how he is using supercomputing in chemical engineering and how Auðna has assisted him in navigating the commercialization of his research. Tom Flanagan, a knowledge transfer expert from University College Dublin, presented best practices for translating research into impactful innovations. Finally, Milla Koistinaho, from Innovestor investment fund in Finland, shared her journey into deep tech investing and emphasized the value of supporting cutting-edge technologies with long-term potential.

The event concluded with a dynamic panel discussion moderated by Bergur Ebbi Benediktsson. Panelists included speakers Egill Skúlason, Tom Flanagan, and Milla Koistinaho, joined by Einar Mäntylä, CEO of Auðna, and Jón Ingi Bergsteinsson from the newly established Icelandic Business Angel Network (IceBAN). Topics of discussions included how we can support Icelandic researchers and the value of pursuing education abroad, and how returning home with international experience can strengthen local innovation networks. The engaging discussion provided a fitting close to an inspiring day dedicated to advancing scientific innovation in Iceland.

The following day, Auðna organized a series of meetings with Icelandic science-based companies, science-based startups, and investors with Milla Koistinaho, the deep-tech investor from Innovestor in Finland, with the aim of promoting Icelandic science-based innovation and strengthening investor relations in the Nordic countries.

What a way to end a great year here at Auðna!



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